San Sebastián Bachajón: The Struggle against Dispossession in Mexico

Two years have passed since the vicious assassination of Juan Vázquez Guzmán, community leader, spokesperson and social activist from the ejido San Sebastián Bachajón, Chiapas, Mexico. Despite the killing of two of their leaders and frequent attacks from local government-supporters and public security forces, the ejidatarios (common landholders) remain firm in their resistance to dispossession, and in their struggle in defense of their ancestral land, territory and Mother Earth. The situation has now become critical.


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Days of Rage in Baltimore and Mexico

April 30, 2015 Greg Grandin 0

Source: The Nation Yesterday, as Baltimore restaged the intifada, protesters in Mexico, in Chilpancingo, the capital of the state of Guerrero, rammed a flaming truck into the glass-fronted congressional building, and set fire to at […]

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Bolivia: The Two Faces of Evo

April 28, 2015 Linda Farthing 0

Source: In These Times Ever since Evo Morales took office nine years ago, becoming Bolivia’s first indigenous president, he has been celebrated worldwide as a beacon of social and economic justice. The spectacular success of […]

Indigenous Campesinos in Guatemala Demand an End to Violent Evictions

April 27, 2015 Jeff Abbott 0

“In the last few weeks and few months, there has been an incremental increase in the orders for arrest against campesinos organized with CCDA for the defense of their territory, rivers, forests, and of life,” said Leocadio Juracan, the national coordinator of CCDA, in a press conference with alternative media. “It is repression.”


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