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 To Keep Going in 2007, We Need Your Support! 

If you appreciate our 100% reader-funded reporting and analysis, please help us reach our fund drive goal of $5,000. Donate $30 or more and receive a union-made, sweatshop free, t-shirt with an Upside Down World logo on the front.

Click here to support Upside Down World

 Shirt Designer James Labold as Che

Note from readers to Upside Down World crew: Your fundraising appeal hit home with us. As regular readers of the site, we wanted you to know it has been a great help to us, fuelling both our journalism and activism. These days, it is so important to share information that reminds us that we are all citizens of the Americas. So thank you for your contribution!   In solidarity, Avi Lewis (Director of The Take) and Naomi Klein (Author of No Logo)