Articles by Upside Down World

Honduras: Activists Protest Lack of Transparency in Extractive Industry
(IPS) – The Honduran government’s announcement of its plans to join the Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (EITI) has raised expectations as well as doubts, particularly due to the speed with which it aims to complete […]

The Brookings Institute on Mexico: Lower Taxes and Make (Better) War to End Violence
The Brookings Institution released a report titled “Peña Nieto’s Piñata: The Promise and Pitfalls of Mexico’s New Security Policy against Organized Crime” in February of this year. Below, a few reflections on the document. The author, […]

The EZLN Announce the Fiesta for their 10 Years of Self-government
In a recent communiqué, the Zapatistas announced that on 9 and 10 August they will celebrate the tenth anniversary of their Good Government Juntas, and explained that all the efforts of the people and the […]

“Humanity Has Lost a Titan”: Interview with William I. Robinson on the Legacy of Hugo Chavez
Chavez not only rejected neo-liberalism. He put socialism back on the public agenda at a time when apologists for global capitalism were still claiming it was “the End of History” and when the defeatist left was insisting that we had to be “realistic” and “pragmatic,” to renounce anti-capitalism, and to limit ourselves to putting a “human face” on the capitalist system.

Cauca: Lines Drawn at the Heart of Colombia’s Crisis
Where they have been able, Cauca’s indigenous Nasa people have stood firm, campaigning to have all armed actors removed from their lands. The Indigenous Guard’s July 2012 dragging of six troops from a hill in Toribío, Cauca saw images of bawling army sergeant Rodrigo Garcia beamed around the globe, however the Nasa’s arrests of suspected guerrillas in the same period gained less exposure.

Rarámuri Delegation from Mexico arrives in Washington
Four representatives from Rarámuri communities have made the long trip from their remote communities to Washington, DC, to appear before the Inter-American Human Rights Commission, where they will appear today at 5pm. It is expected the four representatives, who are backed by 41 Indigenous governors, will testify about logging, tourism, and other issues impacting their communities.