Articles by Upside Down World

Three Neoliberal Tales in Honduras: The Inter-oceanic Train, Metro-buses and Charter Cities
The manner in which people commute is another indicator of the structural violence lived every day by the working class in Honduras and throughout Latin America.

Book Review – To Die in Mexico: Dispatches from Inside the Drug War
John Gibler’s new book To Die in Mexico opens with a warning: “You may want to look away.” It is true that the contents are not exactly pleasant, in fact, Gibler’s tales from Mexico will horrify, over and over again.

Peru: An interview with Ollanta Humala
Excerpt from a July 8 Washington Post interview with Ollanta Humala. Humala will officially become Peru’s president today, July 28. You just met with top U.S. officials today in Washington. What did you accomplish? Today […]

Raquel Gutiérrez: Why is the US so afraid of me?
Source: Guardian Unlimited Am I on a blacklist? I was astonished when the plane I was travelling in was turned out of US airspace because I was on it On Wednesday 20 July 2011 at […]

Indigenous and Afro-Honduran Women: Autonomy and an End to Violence Against Us
The Final Declaration of Copán Galel of the Self-Organized Constituent Assembly of Indigenous and Afro-Honduran women denounced the “violence, repression and domination of women operating through capitalism, patriarchy and racism,” said Berta Caceres, coordinator the Civic Council of Popular and Indigenous Organizations of Honduras (COPINH), in an interview with Escribana.

WikiLeaks Cables of Interest on Latin America, Released July 11-23, 2011
BOLIVIAGoB found close US embassy contact w/ “human rights” NGO in New York was behind cell planning to kill Morales bit.ly/pUFsKt#cablegate Info on the members of cell accused of bomb & plot to kill Morales, […]

Guatemala: Resisting the New Colonialism
“We don’t aspire to win the election because the left in Guatemala has been hit hard. This is about taking one step forward in articulating resistance to the new alliance between the old paramilitary/oligarchy alliances and the more recent economy based on criminal activity,” explains Mario Godínez, university professor and member of the MNR (New Republic Movement).

Colombia: Native Groups Mobilise Against Escalation of War
(IPS) – The powerful Regional Indigenous Council of Cauca (CRIC), in southwest Colombia, has called a “minga” or protest march to “curb the militarisation driven by the army and the FARC,” the main guerrilla group, […]

The “Disappeared”: New Face of Mexico’s Drug War
(IPS) – Chess player Roberto Galván, 33, was detained Jan. 25 by the police in the northeast Mexican state of Nuevo León as he sat on a bench in the central square of General Terán, […]