Bolivia After the Storm
Source: Americas Program At the end of December, the first popular uprising in the region against a government of the left took place in Bolivia. It was caused by an excessive increase in the price […]
Source: Americas Program At the end of December, the first popular uprising in the region against a government of the left took place in Bolivia. It was caused by an excessive increase in the price […]
(IPS) – The first black president of the United States visited the first woman president of Brazil: their meeting resulted in modest progress in bilateral relations, but a bitter taste could not be avoided over […]
Internationally-funded Guatemalan bio-fuel interests evict Mayan Qeqchi families from their historic lands, destroying homes and crops, killing one, injuring more, while thousands are without food or shelter.
As part of his visit to El Salvador yesterday, the last stop on a Latin American excursion occurring despite events in Japan and Libya, Barack Obama visited the tomb of Salvadoran Archbishop Óscar Arnulfo Romero, assassinated on March 24, 1980.
Codemuh (the Honduran Women’s Collective) is a feminist and rights-based grass-roots organisation fighting for better living and working conditions for women in garment factories, or maquilas as they are known in Latin America.
Amnesty International has urged the Mexican authorities to provide protection to two prominent women activists forced to flee their homes after receiving death threats for their human rights work. Marisela Ortiz and Maria Luisa García […]
ARGENTINA Argentine Minister of Economy “likes to ski every season at Aspen and surf at San Diego-area beaches” http://bit.ly/h9DR54 #cablegate Cristina Kirchener to USG: Chavez is “Caribbean” and “full of surprises” http://bit.ly/hccAGA #cablegate G7+: Argentina […]
On February 28, 2011, organized action by Indigenous community members was once again met with violence in Guatemala. The goal of the demonstration was to pressure the Guatemalan government to comply with precautionary measures issued by the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) in May 2010, and particularly the temporary suspension of the Marlin mine.
(IPS) – Hacinados en precarios habitáculos o bajo techos de plástico, sin luz ni agua potable tras jornadas laborales de 14 horas, así sobreviven cientos de miles de trabajadores rurales en Argentina pese a cosechas […]
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