Argentina: Rural Slavery at Time of Record Earnings

March 18, 2011 Upside Down World 0

Crowded into precarious mud-floored dorms or sheet-metal trailers or forced to live in tents of plastic sheeting, with neither piped water nor electricity, after working 14-hour days: these are the harsh conditions faced by hundreds of thousands of rural workers in Argentina despite bumper crops and record earnings for agribusiness.


We Have Everything And Lack Everything: In Mexico, Community Police Resist Mining Companies

March 15, 2011 Upside Down World 0

After state police massacred 39 campesinos in the southern Mexican state of Guerrero in 1995, community members decided to start their own police force comprised of volunteers. In 1998, in addition to patrolling and detaining suspected criminals, the communities began their own justice and community reeducation program to deal with offenders. Now they are using their community power to resist transnational mining companies invading their land and communities.


Hip-Hop Lives on in Venezuela

March 15, 2011 Upside Down World 0

This short video documents a hip-hop school in the large and overcrowded barrio of La Vega in the hillsides of Caracas, Venezuela. Filmed in the months of July and August in 2010, it features interviews and performances by those involved in the school known as EPATU (Popular School for the Arts and Urban Traditions). […]

Venezuela Hosts Global Grassroots Women’s Conference to Mark 100-year Anniversary of International Women’s Day

March 11, 2011 Upside Down World 0

On March 8, International Women’s Day, women from the Global Grassroots Women’s Conference, as well as other Venezuelan organizations and parties joined in a festive march through the center of Caracas. A delegation from the Confederation of Ecuadorian Women for Change (CONFEMEC) , 150 strong, roused the crowds with chants saying “Bella, bella, bella, que cosa mas bonita, las mujeres organizadas luchando por la vida (Beautiful, beuatiful, beautiful, what a lovely sight, Organized women fighting for their lives).”


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