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Bolivia Debates Media Law Reform

December 31, 2009 Upside Down World 0

Source: NACLA Report on the Americas Thousands of MAS (Movement Towards Socialism) supporters filled the Plaza Murillo on Sunday, December 6, to catch a glimpse of the re-elected Bolivian president Evo Morales on the balcony […]

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The Incessant Search for the Disappeared: Exhumation in Villalobos

December 30, 2009 Upside Down World 0

Twenty-some years later, the question remains the same: where are the disappeared? Based on a witness testimony, the Association of Family Members of the Detained-Disappeared of Guatemala (FAMDEGUA in Spanish), along with the Forensic Anthropology Foundation of Guatemala (FAFG in Spanish), began a process of exhumation in a possible clandestine mass grave on December 10, 2009.

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Mary O’Grady Incites Violence in Colombian Peace Community

December 29, 2009 Upside Down World 0

In her latest pro bono public relations initiative on behalf of right-wing Latin American regimes, The Wall Street Journal’s Mary Anastasia O’Grady interviews a former commander of the 5th Front of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC)—Daniel Sierra Martínez, alias “Samir”— who deserted the organization in 2008 and is now serving as a primary accomplice in Colombian government efforts to prove campesinos are terrorists. […]


Canadian Mining in Latin America: Paramilitaries, Assassinations, and Impunity

December 27, 2009 Upside Down World 0

Latin Waves is a weekly syndicated radio program focused on building community across borders. The show was started as a resource to educate the public about the extraordinary changes and social movements that are happening in Latin America. Host Sylvia Richardson talks to Upside Down World editor Cyril Mychalejko about Canadian Mining in Latin America, violence associated with mining projects in the region, and the urgent need for reforms to be passed in Canada.


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