Prosecutor’s Death a Test for Argentine Democracy

January 23, 2015 Upside Down World 0

The death of a special prosecutor investigating one of the biggest unresolved mysteries in the history of Argentina, the bombing of a Jewish community center over 20 years ago, has put to the test an immature democracy that is caught up in a web of conspiracy theories and promiscuity between the secret services and those in power. […]

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Ecuador: The “Citizens’ Revolution” vs Social Movements

January 22, 2015 Upside Down World 0

In this way, thousands of indigenous communities, and tens of thousands of civic organizations, are under the control of the State. The arrival of Rafael Correa’s government and his Alianza País was made possible thanks to the fight of the movements, who are now criminalized and under control … The new power devours those who made it possible.


Brazil Truth Commission Details Extent of Rape During Military Dictatorship

January 16, 2015 Upside Down World 0

Brazil’s National Truth Commission (Commissão Nacional da Verdade, CNV) presented its final report on the history of the human rights violations committed by the military dictatorship that ruled the country from 1964 to 1985. Through its working group “The Dictatorship and Gender,” the CNV took testimony and  detailed the use of rape and sexual violence as a weapon against those the dictatorship considered to be political and social activists or otherwise subversive.


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