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Panama official quits over free trade

January 11, 2006 Upside Down World 0

Panama’s agricultural minister resigned yesterday "to sound off an alarm" over the potential effects of agricultural policy changes the U.S. is pushing on his country.  Laurentino Cortizo said diminished regulations that are being negotiated could mean […]

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Bolivia’s Trial by Fire

January 10, 2006 Upside Down World 0

After winning a landslide election victory on December 18th, Bolivian president-elect Evo Morales announced plans to nationalize the country’s gas reserves, rewrite the constitution in a popular assembly, redistribute land to poor farmers and change the rules of the U.S.-led war on drugs in Bolivia. If he follows through on such promises, he’ll face enormous pressure from the Bush administration, corporations and international lenders. If he chooses a more moderate path, Bolivia’s social movements are likely to organize the type of protests and strikes that have ousted two presidents in two years.


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Police Violence in Rio de Janeiro

January 10, 2006 Upside Down World 0

Death is nothing new to the Morro do Estado, a mish-mash of redbrick favela housing that clings to the slopes high above central Niteroi, a city near Rio de Janeiro. But as locals crowded into the Bar do Raimundo for a game of snooker one Sunday night in December they had little idea just how close it was.


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Likely U.S. Plans for Regime Change in Venezuela, Pt. II

January 9, 2006 Upside Down World 0

Ever since the National Security Act of 1947 established the Central Intelligence Agency, the CIA has engaged in activities far beyond information collection and analysis. It has been involved many times in covert efforts to achieve U.S. foreign policy goals, inlcuding regime change in nations whose leaders were not subservient to U.S. interests.


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CAFTA Misses Deadline

January 4, 2006 Upside Down World 0

The U.S. announced last week that the implementation of CAFTA would not meet its Jan. 1 target date because Central American countries have yet to legislate new laws to come into compliance with the agreement’s […]

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NED’s Journalist in Haiti

January 4, 2006 Upside Down World 0

Regine Alexandre, a freelance reporter working in Haiti who has written for the AP and New York Times, was recently outed as a consultant for the controversial National Endowment for Democracy. The AP terminated its […]

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No Justice in Peru

January 3, 2006 Upside Down World 0

Peruvian President Alejandro Toledo has come under fire for backing the creation of what many perceive as a kangaroo court to "prosecute" military officials accused of human rights violations. Toledo recently backed the creation of a judicial […]

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Venezuela’s Bolivarian Movement: Its Promise and Perils, Pt. I

January 3, 2006 Upside Down World 0

Venezuela today, under its democratically elected President, Hugo Chavez Frias, is imbued with the spirit of Bolivarianism. It’s based on the vision of Simon Bolivar, the Caracas born 19th century general who defeated the Spanish, liberated half of South America, believed in redistributive social policies and a united South America—all things Chavez has adopted in his rhetoric and actions. The ultimate objective is to overcome what Bolivar perceptively characterized as the imperial curse "to plague Latin America with misery in the name of liberty."


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Five Lessons Bush Learned from Argentina’s Dirty War and Five Lessons for the Rest of Us

January 3, 2006 Upside Down World 0

It began as a far-reaching war against a vague enemy. Any questions about the war were considered unpatriotic and dissenters risked being violently repressed by the government. The government helped the economic elite profit at the expense of the poor. When the regime was losing its grip on power, it turned to a conventional military war that became a disaster. This synopsis describes the Dirty War of 1976-1983 in Argentina…and the current US "War on Terror." 


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