Why Evo Morales Will Likely Win Upcoming Elections in Bolivia

October 7, 2014 Benjamin Dangl 0

Evo Morales’ victory at the polls this Sunday is likely because of the progressive changes his government has brought about, as well as its ability to co-opt certain social movements and expand controversial but lucrative extractivist industries. This victory is all but assured in spite of these contradictions and tensions, but also because of them.


Bolivia: The Politics of Extractivism

Are there alternatives to this re-embrace of state-led capitalism? Evo Morales gained international attention by staking a strong discursive claim that global climate change was the result of the sins of capitalism. He posed indigenous cosmovision as the alternative: he declared that by embracing indigenous notions of reciprocity and communality, societies could learn to “live well” and sustainably instead of trying to live “better” than others through increased consumption.


The Great Soy Expansion: Brazilian Land Grabs in Eastern Bolivia

September 22, 2013 Miguel Urioste F. de C., 0

In the last two decades, the best agricultural lands in Bolivia have been put into commercial production by large-scale producers closely linked to foreign investors, particularly Brazilians. Foreigners now control more than one million hectares of prime agricultural and ranching lands in Bolivia, primarily in the eastern lowland department of Santa Cruz, an important agro-export region dominated by transnational corporations.


Bolivia: Amid Gas, Where Is the Revolution?

May 31, 2013 Bret Gustafson 0

The political victories of anti-neoliberal movements and regimes have opened a new chapter in Latin American history, yet the embrace of extractive industries has generated deep paradoxes for those committed to addressing inequality and the crisis of nature.


Using the Cold War: The Truman Administration’s Response to the Bolivian National Revolution

May 6, 2013 Benjamin Dangl 0

In light of Evo Morales’ May Day expulsion of USAID from Bolivia, here is a look back to the Harry Truman administration’s work to undermine Bolivia’s transformative National Revolution in 1952. This history’s legacy lives on; Washington’s power is woven into the fabric of Bolivian politics, from the dreams and nightmares of the National Revolution, into the MAS era of today.


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