Colombian Human Rights Defenders Targeted for Prosecution: The Case of Principe Gabriel Gonzalez
Principe Gabriel Gonzalez has been persecuted for his work as a human rights activist with Colombia‘s Political Prisoners Solidarity Committee.
Principe Gabriel Gonzalez has been persecuted for his work as a human rights activist with Colombia‘s Political Prisoners Solidarity Committee.
Due to the mainstream media neglecting Afro-Colombia music, there has for some time been little interest in their culture. According to festival director, Alberto Seviliano, Afro-Colombian music is never played on the radio, even in Cali where most the people are Afro-Colombian. This, he says, the festival wants to change.
Neoliberal free trade policies have been a big part of the reason that economic crises are taking place all over the world and have led to ever widening gaps between the rich and the poor. Colombia has the second largest gap between the rich and the poor in South America and the eighth largest worldwide, according to the World Bank’s World Development Institute. The FTA will make matters worse.
Over 15,000 Colombians descended on the oil rich city of Barrancabermeja in Central Colombia to attend a national ‘Peace Congress’. The slogan for the meeting was, ‘dialogue is the path’, and was attended by communities across the country who have been severely affected by the ongoing conflicts.
How drug war-related violence in Mexico and Central America is connected to Andean coca leaves and the failed policies of Plan Colombia. […]
The Nasa people have long struggled to keep their autonomy and unique way of life and governance. At the same time as having government indigenous representatives, they have a completely separate Nasa system of governing and democracy. For the native leaders, the attacks by the guerillas and positioning of state military in their territory is an attack on their autonomy.
The Quimbo Dam in the Department of Huila, Colombia is one of the largest infrastructure mega projects the country is currently implementing. Not any smaller then the Dam is this megaproject´s ecological and social impacts.
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