Washington Should Follow Latin America’s Lead in Condemning Israel’s War on Palestine

We Reap What We Sow: The Link between Child Migrants and US Policy
Seven-year-old children wandering alone through desert landscapes are the result of a long string of events that are now demanding a closer look from mainstream media and a wider audience in the United States. From military coups that overthrew democratically-elected governments to free trade agreements that destroyed the livelihood of countless independent farmers, the U.S. had a hand in many events that shaped Central America.

From El Barrio to La Realidad, Women Lead Struggles to Transform the World
The women of El Barrio and the Zapatista women of La Realidad are two examples of how women in struggle all over the world are coming together to inspire and learn from each other, and how, in the process, women are transforming the world. […]

Popular Agrarian Reform: An Alternative to the Capitalist Model
In the face of this agribusiness model that looks to the production of dollars and commodities, rather than foods, we urgently need to renegotiate, throughout the whole planet, the principle that food cannot be a mere commodity. […]

People’s Tribunal Seeks to Counter Canadian Pro-Mining Spin
Guilty of human rights abuses. That was the verdict for Canadian mining companies, after two days of in-depth testimony presented in Montreal, Quebec, to a jury of eight experts from around the world.

Raúl Zibechi: Latin America Today, Seen From Below
Raúl Zibechi offers a wide-ranging look at the geopolitical reality of the continent from the perspective of social movements, touching on the organizing model of the indigenous Chilean Mapuche and Mexican Zapatistas, conflicts occurring over the extraction industries in many countries, and the increasingly dominant role of Brazil in the region. […]

Thank You For Your Support
Thanks So Much For Your Support! Your donation will allow us to continue to do the writing, editing and publishing it takes to keep you informed about these important struggles for justice across Latin America. […]

Capitalism’s Bullets in Latin America: Invisible Empires, State Power and 21st Century Colonialism
Capitalism, empire and 21st century colonialism come from afar and descend on their victims in Latin America. But these forces are also in the tear gas canisters that Brazil’s security forces use at the World Cup, in the state that extracts natural resources on indigenous territory, and in the free trade deals signed in blood.

Book Review: Learning from Latin America’s Social Movements
Until the Rulers Obey is a major advance in the effort to acquaint North American leftists with the Latin American grassroots. The book brings together interviews with representatives from some 70 organizations in 15 South and Central American countries, ranging from indigenous women in a Zapatista community in the mountains of southeastern Mexico to members of an anarchist collective in urban Uruguay.

Book Review: Border Patrol Nation
Todd Miller’s powerful prose belies what one hopes is a growing sense of outrage at the inhuman and racist goals of U.S. border enforcement. His journeys from place to place and the complexities he presents within the Border Patrol itself provide the reader with a comprehensive picture of what’s wrong in the United States.