U.S. Bases in Colombia Rattle the Region

March 22, 2010 Benjamin Dangl 0

On the shores of the Magdalena River, in a lush green valley dotted with cattle ranches and farms, sits the Palanquero military base, an outpost equipped with Colombia’s longest runway, housing for 2,000 troops, a theater, a supermarket, and a casino. Palanquero is at the heart of a ten-year, renewable military agreement signed between the United States and Colombia on October 30, 2009, which gives Washington access to seven military bases in the country.


For Venezuela, There is No Going Back: A Discussion with Federico Fuentes and Kiraz Janicke

March 22, 2010 Ali Mustafa 0

As Venezuela’s Bolivarian Revolution enters a new decade of struggle and defiantly advances towards its goal of ’21st Century Socialism,’ serious challenges to the future of the process emerging from both inside and outside the country still abound. Australian-based journalists and long-time Venezuela solidarity activists Federico Fuentes and Kiraz Janicke have been carefully following Venezuela’s ongoing political transformation for several years now, countering mainstream media spin and providing invaluable on-the-ground coverage and analysis about the process as it unfolds.


Haiti’s Earthquake Victims in Great Peril

March 18, 2010 Roger Annis 0

It’s been eight weeks since the devastating earthquake in Haiti and familiar patterns of interference and neglect by the major powers that dominate the country are firmly entrenched. Meanwhile, the direction of Haiti’s reconstruction remains entirely undetermined.


Honduras: Poll Proposed by Resistance Challenges Regime

March 17, 2010 Peter Lackowski 0

“On June 28 (2010) we are going to hold a great poll of our people which is going to express our judgment, massively, in favor of a democratic and participatory constitutional constituent assembly in our country,” said Rafael Alegría of the National Front of Popular Resistance, earlier this March.


Guatemala: In Memory of Our Martyrs and Bloodshed in Comalapa

March 16, 2010 James Rodríguez 0

Between 2003 and 2004, the National Coordination of Guatemalan Widows (CONAVIGUA) organized 49 exhumations in Comalapa’s former military garrison. This long and arduous process gave way to the retrieval of the remains of 179 wartime victims. Recently CONAVIGUA inaugurated a small memorial chapel in the former military garrison of San Juan Comalapa, as a place to honor the victims of the State-perpetrated genocide. […]

Conservatives Revive Canada-Colombia Free Trade Agreement

March 11, 2010 Dawn Paley 0

The Conservatives tabled the Canada-Colombia Free Trade Agreement in Parliament yesterday, reviving a deal many thought better left for dead. Renewed interest in the deal comes weeks after an Amnesty International report found Indigenous peoples in Colombia are at risk of being exterminated by state forces, right wing paramilitary groups and guerrilla organizations.


Abortion in Latin America – Still Illegal, Still Killing, Despite Growing Awareness

March 10, 2010 Estrella Gutiérrez 0

Although most of the governments in Latin America today are described as progressive, abortion is only legal in one country, while in five countries it is banned under all circumstances, even when the mother’s life is at risk. But draconian laws against abortion that allow very few, or no, exceptions have failed to prevent the average abortion rate in the region from reaching 31 per 1,000 women, two more than the global average, and higher than any other region.


Mexico: Juan Manuel Martínez Moreno Released From Prison for (Not) Killing Brad Will

March 10, 2010 Nancy Davies 0

The face of Juan Manuel Martínez Moreno on the day he finally gained release from the infamous prison of Ixcotel showed fear overlaid with joy. On February 18, 2010 he stepped free into the tearful embraces of his wife, children and sister; of a crowd comprised of Section 22 of the National Union of Education Workers (SNTE, in its Spanish initials)[i] led by its Secretary General Aziel Santiago Chepi; of well-wishers; and of journalists.



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