
Dealing with Killers and Kidnappers: The High Cost of Free Trade
President Bush is using his final days in office to push through a free trade agreement with Colombia that would reward one of the hemisphere’s worst human rights abusers. […]

Peru: Praying for Justice
In Northern Peru, residents of Tambogrande are praying once and for all that a newly reopened lawsuit against anti-mining activists be shelved. […]

James Bond Takes on the Corporate Water Privateers
The new James Bond movie, Quantum of Solace, makes a number of plays on the assumption that the resource in question is oil – but oil is so twentieth century. By the time Bond has crash-landed his plane in a sink-hole in the high, barren desert of Bolivia, we make the discovery that this vital resource is – surprise! – water.

What Next for the Popular and Indigenous Minga in Colombia?
There was a bit of nostalgia running through the voice of Aida Quilqué. "The Minga has constructed community in Bogotá," she said as indigenous leaders wrapped up six weeks of mobilization and pledged to continue their resistance campaign in their territories.
Obama and Latin America: What He Really Promises
Barack Obama seems to be oblivious to the sea change in Latin America, portraying the advance of the left as a threat which came about through the incompetence of the Bush administration, who allowed a "dangerous demagogue" like Hugo Chavez to rise to power. […]

Suit Filed Against Salvadoran Ex-President Cristiani and 14 Former Soldiers for 1989 Jesuit Massacre
As people in the United States held a vigil on November 22-23 to mark the 19th anniversary of one of the most horrific massacres of the Salvadoran Civil War, two human rights organizations have filed a criminal complaint with the Spanish High Court against former president of El Salvador Alfredo Cristiani and 14 former members of El Salvador’s armed forces for carrying out and covering up the atrocity. […]

The Indigenous and Popular Minga Takes Over Colombia’s Capital
From the streets in the center of the city, to the Plaza del Ché at the National University where an international forum was held on Saturday, from the media centers of the indigenous movement to the dozens of meetings taking place around the city where "Mingueros" are discussing the five point agenda with all the sectors that are interested to listen, the enthusiasm and energy of the popular movement can be felt.