Colombia: Extractivist Pax vs. Peace with Social and Environmental Justice
The conflict between the extractivist pax and peace with social and environmental justice is sharp. […]
The conflict between the extractivist pax and peace with social and environmental justice is sharp. […]
David Deccache, economist and technical adviser to the Brazilian Congress for the PSOL party, details how a deal struck between British Minister of Commerce Greg Hands and the illegitimate Michel Temer government is unethically benefiting the British petroleum industry on the backs of the Brazilian people. […]
Climate scientist Chris Castro told me that the Central American northern triangle, right where Texiguat is located, is “ground zero” for global warming’s impact in the Americas. […]
An increase in attacks on Indigenous people has been matched by a rise in deforestation in protected areas. […]
Armed with signs, pollution masks and their voices, community members have chained themselves to chairs, refusing to leave until the demands of relocation for more than 600 families impacted by the project are met. […]
The Guatemalan government is looking to crush any resistance to land grabs through a new law being proposed in Congress which will classify protests and highway blockades as a form of terrorism. […]
Bukele is, in many ways, a monster of the FMLN’s own creation. To defeat him, and to ensure the continuity of its own revolutionary project, the party will have to cultivate radical new voices from within. […]
Given the anti-government prism through which international media portray Venezuela, the Chavista victory appears counterintuitive. Yet understanding it is key to speculating on whether we are seeing the beginning of Chavismo’s renewal and resurrection. […]
At the center of the forced disappearance of Santiago Maldonado and his subsequent death lay a global fashion company, Argentina’s long-standing extractive model, and the repression of displaced Indigenous communities. […]
Sixty-three people have been killed in resource conflicts in rural areas this year, sparking concerns from human rights groups. […]
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