Demanding Justice: Indigenous Women from Guatemala Battle Canadian Mining Giant
Land defenders make history by challenging Hudbay Minerals in court. […]
Land defenders make history by challenging Hudbay Minerals in court. […]
State-sponsored violence against anti-dam movement leaves a trail of blood and arbitrary arrests. […]
The conflict between the extractivist pax and peace with social and environmental justice is sharp. […]
David Deccache, economist and technical adviser to the Brazilian Congress for the PSOL party, details how a deal struck between British Minister of Commerce Greg Hands and the illegitimate Michel Temer government is unethically benefiting the British petroleum industry on the backs of the Brazilian people. […]
Armed with signs, pollution masks and their voices, community members have chained themselves to chairs, refusing to leave until the demands of relocation for more than 600 families impacted by the project are met. […]
The Guatemalan government is looking to crush any resistance to land grabs through a new law being proposed in Congress which will classify protests and highway blockades as a form of terrorism. […]
A comrade of murdered Honduran leader Berta Cáceres talks about how he champions popular education on sexual diversity and body autonomy to smash taboos, blazing a trail in Central America of defending LGBTI rights in Indigenous spaces. […]
The objective of AmazonLog2017 is not simply to train troops to lead during humanitarian crises; it is to insert the Brazilian Armed Forces in the strategic orbit of the US, which has already taken steps to cooperate with Peru and Colombia. […]
In this interview the eco-feminist also talks about the urgent need to build a transnational resistance against mining in Central America. […]
La desaparición forzada y muerte de un joven en la Patagonia marcó la agenda diaria durante tres meses. En el medio, la multinacional Benetton, pueblos indígenas y un modelo extractivo que avanza como política de Estado. […]
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