Demanding Justice: Indigenous Women from Guatemala Battle Canadian Mining Giant
Land defenders make history by challenging Hudbay Minerals in court. […]
Land defenders make history by challenging Hudbay Minerals in court. […]
The Guatemalan government is looking to crush any resistance to land grabs through a new law being proposed in Congress which will classify protests and highway blockades as a form of terrorism. […]
Estos grandes proyectos hidroeléctricos amenazan la sobrevivencia de las comunidades locales. […]
An examination of the history of TPS and Central American and Haitian migration helps to contextualize the importance of this issue. The mass migration of these populations are inherently entangled in the history of the Cold War. […]
Rebeca Lane and other feminist activists in Guatemala are working to ensure that the victims of a state femicide are not forgotten, while those affected by civil war violence still fight for justice after decades of impunity. […]
When these courageous Q’eqchi’ victims of mining repression decided to seek justice in Guatemala and Canada, they were clear that their main aspiration was that their struggles for justice help create fundamental political and legal changes in Guatemala and Canada. […]
Despite laws, lawsuits, and international outcry, Guatemala continues to be the most dangerous country in the world to be a trade unionist. […]
Indigenous activist Sebastian Alonso Juan was killed protesting hydroelectric dams in northern Guatemala. Now, others are fighting for justice and an end to the corporate projects that condemn their communities to death. […]
Dado que la ley guatemalteca prohibe que se retire sin autorización el agua de los ríos, las comunidades afectadas consideran que sus ríos han sido “secuestrados” por las corporaciones. Pero las comunidades están luchando para liberarlos. […]
Indignation is flowing into the streets again in Guatemala, and protesters demand that President Jimmy Morales and his accomplices in Congress put an end to impunity. […]
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