Demanding Justice: Indigenous Women from Guatemala Battle Canadian Mining Giant
Land defenders make history by challenging Hudbay Minerals in court. […]
Land defenders make history by challenging Hudbay Minerals in court. […]
As the internet gained force during the 1990s, Latuff also began drawing cartoons in solidarity with the Zapatistas, the IRA, Palestinian refugees and other leftist causes around the World. […]
Years into the fight to hold Chevron-Texaco accountable for the “Amazon Chernobyl,” those involved are still struggling to win justice for victims, clean up the rainforest, and combat corporate impunity. With the future of their communities and the environment at stake, they refuse to give up. […]
When these courageous Q’eqchi’ victims of mining repression decided to seek justice in Guatemala and Canada, they were clear that their main aspiration was that their struggles for justice help create fundamental political and legal changes in Guatemala and Canada. […]
Indignation is flowing into the streets again in Guatemala, and protesters demand that President Jimmy Morales and his accomplices in Congress put an end to impunity. […]
Guatemala’s Congress attempted to double down to protect the political elite from being accountable for corruption, but social movements are fighting back. […]
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