Canada’s Deadly Diplomacy and the Plight of Political Prisoners in Honduras
It’s time for Canada to condemn the real perpetrators of violence in Honduras and take a stand for the rights of political prisoners like Edwin Espinal. […]
It’s time for Canada to condemn the real perpetrators of violence in Honduras and take a stand for the rights of political prisoners like Edwin Espinal. […]
Land defenders make history by challenging Hudbay Minerals in court. […]
State-sponsored violence against anti-dam movement leaves a trail of blood and arbitrary arrests. […]
The Guatemalan government is looking to crush any resistance to land grabs through a new law being proposed in Congress which will classify protests and highway blockades as a form of terrorism. […]
At the center of the forced disappearance of Santiago Maldonado and his subsequent death lay a global fashion company, Argentina’s long-standing extractive model, and the repression of displaced Indigenous communities. […]
How organizers in Colombia’s biggest port city shut it down for 22 days, winning major concessions from the national government. […]
Six characteristics of resistance challenging the capitalist, patriarchal, extractivist hegemony in Latin America. […]
“Este caso es contra Newmont Mining Corporation y varias de sus subsidiarias por instruir, autorizar, favorecer, conspirar en o aprobar una violenta campaña de acoso” contra la familia Acuña, sostiene la demanda. […]
Both Democratic and Republican administrations in the United States have opposed Venezuela’s socialist policies and thrown their support behind the opposition. Their bipartisan goal is to oust Maduro. […]
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