Colombia: Extractivist Pax vs. Peace with Social and Environmental Justice
The conflict between the extractivist pax and peace with social and environmental justice is sharp. […]
The conflict between the extractivist pax and peace with social and environmental justice is sharp. […]
In Brazil, sex work remains politically and socially contentious. But thanks to a staunch sex worker movement in the country, the people who actually do the work have made themselves key contributors to the debate. […]
A recent ruling to end term limits in Bolivia gives Evo Morales a green light to run in the 2019 presidential elections and beyond. […]
David Deccache, economist and technical adviser to the Brazilian Congress for the PSOL party, details how a deal struck between British Minister of Commerce Greg Hands and the illegitimate Michel Temer government is unethically benefiting the British petroleum industry on the backs of the Brazilian people. […]
An increase in attacks on Indigenous people has been matched by a rise in deforestation in protected areas. […]
In order to understand present resistance to the coup government, it is important to look at how changes in the political economy have both weakened workers’ ability to organize and weakened elite support for a nationalist development project. […]
Abortion is legal in Brazil in cases of rape, if the mother’s life is in danger, or if the fetus is deformed. But a special congressional commission approved a proposed constitutional amendment that, if passed, would criminalize abortion. […]
The objective of AmazonLog2017 is not simply to train troops to lead during humanitarian crises; it is to insert the Brazilian Armed Forces in the strategic orbit of the US, which has already taken steps to cooperate with Peru and Colombia. […]
For the FARC’s Insurgent Feminism, fighting for gender equality goes beyond creating progressive laws that encourage women to study, own land, or control their own finances. It also means fighting the capitalist system. […]
As the internet gained force during the 1990s, Latuff also began drawing cartoons in solidarity with the Zapatistas, the IRA, Palestinian refugees and other leftist causes around the World. […]
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