Month: August 2009

Argentine Factory Wins Legal Battle: FASINPAT Zanon Belongs to the People
The workers at Argentina’s occupied ceramics factory FASINPAT won a major victory this week: the factory now definitively belongs to the people in legal terms. Since 2001, the workers at Zanon have fought for legal recognition of worker control at Latin America’s largest ceramics factory which has created jobs, spearheaded community projects, supported social movements world-wide and shown the world that workers don’t need bosses. […]

Honduras: Obama Administration Restating Its Position?
(IPS) – A letter sent last week by the U.S. State Department has caused many to question the Obama Administration position on reinstating ousted Honduras President Manuel Zelaya. In an Aug. 4 letter to Senator […]

Another Anti-mining Activist Shot in Cabañas El Salvador, Hitman Tied to Pacific Rim is Detained
A leader in the movement opposed to re-opening the El Dorado goldmine in northeast El Salvador was in stable condition after being shot eight times in the back and legs. Doctors at San Salvador’s Rosales Hospital said it was “miraculous” that Ramiro Rivera survived the attack, which occurred in front of Rivera’s modest house. Rivera identified one of two assailants as Oscar Menjívar, who was detained by police in Cabañas, where both men reside. […]