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No End in Sight: Indigenous and Popular Minga Continues, Debate with Colombian President Stalls

November 3, 2008 Upside Down World 0

Three weeks ago yesterday, the Indigenous and Popular Mobilization began with a five point agenda of action directed towards the government and the entire nation. Now, after dramatic protests that included the blockade of the Pan American Highway, clashes with heavily armed state security forcesresulting in one indigenous activist killed and over 120 wounded, and a long, arduous march to the city of Cali, the Minga Popular continues, one day after the highly anticipated debate with President Alvaro Uribe. […]

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Latinobarómetro US Election Poll: Latin Americans Have Other Concerns

November 3, 2008 Upside Down World 0

"Has the US lost power, in the eyes of the citizens of the region, to the point that not even the expectation of a president in solidarity with the problems of the most dispossessed can evoke expectations? Or is it that the US never had more than the attention of the elites in the region and it is the youth of today that will be looking at the US in the future?" A recent poll conducted across Latin America points to some interesting answers to these questions.  […]

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Argentina: The Creation of an Urban Guerrilla

October 30, 2008 Upside Down World 0

Plaza de Mayo 1973

We all complain about politics, but have you ever wondered what makes a person pick up a gun and start violently resisting the government? The was one of the questions I wanted to answer when I started writing The Army of the Republic. So, when I decided to set my book about urban guerrillas in the United States, I had to look elsewhere to try to understand why people resort to violent struggle. I chose Argentina. […]

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El “Técnico” y el “Pepe”: Seeking Electoral Unity in Uruguay

October 29, 2008 Upside Down World 0

With electoral campaigning ahead of the October 2009 elections kicking into high gear, the two presidential frontrunners for the “broad front” coalition—a former professor and the ex-Minister of Economy, Danilo Astori, and the ex-Minister of Agriculture and one-time guerrilla, José “el Pepe” Mujica—are living reminders of the road the Uruguayan left has traveled and the unique path on which it hopes to continue governing. […]

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