Demanding Justice: Indigenous Women from Guatemala Battle Canadian Mining Giant
Land defenders make history by challenging Hudbay Minerals in court. […]
Land defenders make history by challenging Hudbay Minerals in court. […]
Armed with signs, pollution masks and their voices, community members have chained themselves to chairs, refusing to leave until the demands of relocation for more than 600 families impacted by the project are met. […]
In this interview the eco-feminist also talks about the urgent need to build a transnational resistance against mining in Central America. […]
When these courageous Q’eqchi’ victims of mining repression decided to seek justice in Guatemala and Canada, they were clear that their main aspiration was that their struggles for justice help create fundamental political and legal changes in Guatemala and Canada. […]
Chinese investment is increasingly displacing U.S. capital in Latin America, but the environmental consequences and impacts on community rights show that the shift is not a step forward but rather more of the same. […]
Parliamentary hearings on the extractive industry in Latin America are nothing more than a ruse to create the illusion that Canada is concerned about human rights. […]
The struggle faced by mining communities in Chiapas illustrates the important nexus between global capitalist expansion, state investment in security initiatives, and increasing violence and human rights abuses. […]
“Este caso es contra Newmont Mining Corporation y varias de sus subsidiarias por instruir, autorizar, favorecer, conspirar en o aprobar una violenta campaña de acoso” contra la familia Acuña, sostiene la demanda. […]
A Peruvian Indigenous campesina brave enough to stand up to one the world’s biggest mining companies and its human rights averse security just might make Latin America safer for environmental defenders. […]
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